Angy's Blog

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January in review

January 31, 2023

Why a review after only one month? Lately, it’s common to write a review at the end of the year and at the beginning of the next one to write the new goals to be achieved. But what are the steps to take to check if you are doing well or not? Check what you have done at the end of each month. That way, you will know what is happening, what is going well and what is not, and, most importantly, you will be able to evaluate whether you need to change your approach to your goals. For this reason, we are here to check how my first month of the year is going.

My life’s changing. January has been a month of growth and accomplishment for me. In December I decided to change my job and found a new one at a start-up in London. Amazing, I didn’t expect it because it was what I was looking for, and often we don’t believe it’s possible to get what we want.

But in order to do so, some things had to be changed. First of all, I had to quit my two jobs and become a freelancer, which is easy said but not done. Why? For personal reasons, I liked my jobs, in one I worked with my sister, I could travel sometimes, and in the other I worked with my friends. But sometimes you have to move forward to achieve your goals and change your status. I like to improve myself, my skills and achieve my goals. I know it may be strange, but if you are interested in something, you have to try to reach those goals in every possible way.

Anyway, back to my goals achieved. I quit my job and became a freelancer, very cool. To work with an English company, what is one of the most important things to know? Language. I know English, but how much? I think if you read this post to the end you will understand what my level is. Also, I wanted to talk to someone and decided to start an English course. I am using Lingoda, have you ever heard of it? I like it, there is the possibility to do a group lesson or an individual lesson, you can choose a topic on the platform or you can ask to do a specific lesson on a personal interest. I find it very useful and satisfying.

Another thing that the freelance career requires is that you have to work with different clients, and well, I was lucky enough to start a collaboration with a friend on a project. I like that aspect of this career, you have the opportunity to grow quickly by working with different people, on different projects and with different technologies. For example, in this case the project is done with WordPress and Next.js. I don't know much about it, but I think that's the best part because I can study, understand and try new things. I feel that my journey as a freelance software developer has already begun.

After that, I want to share some other things that I was able to do. I created a VR project, Three Clipping VR, for work, it is public and it is very interesting how it is possible to do things without experience. At the beginning of last month I didn't know what VR was, but after studying the documentation of Three.js (an amazing library Three.js) and some examples it was possible to create a VR scene. If you are interested in the project you can see it in the repo, this is not the post in which to talk about it. blender portalAs for 3D, I continued the Threejs Journey course (Three.js Journey) and created this amazing 3D scene with Blender. I really enjoyed this experience, but this is just a beginning, I would like to create something on my own although it will take a long time.

Another thing I did during this month was to contribute to open-source projects. I want to write these little things as well, I think contributing is an important way to improve my skills, collaborate with unknown people and be part of something that is not under my control. And last but not least this blog and this blog post. I have been thinking about creating my own site and writing some articles for several years, but it was never the right time. Creating a site to write what? My experience is never enough, I never feel ready to write a list of things done. To write tech articles? On what? I don't know enough things to write about and most importantly you can find everything online already. What about design? Which one to choose, what to create? With all these questions I was always discouraged and never did anything. However, I decided it was time to share my life as a developer and the only way I wanted to do that was to create something of my own. So not having the time to do everything I decided to set out and create something minimal just to write this article, with the goal for the next few months to improve it. There are also personal goals that I have achieved this month, but for this time I want to give way to those related to my work and computer pleasures.

These results testify to my determination to reach my goals each month and remind me how important it is to write down each month where I have arrived, even if I fail to reach any goal. It will be time to recalculate my goals.

I hope you enjoyed it and see you soon 😎

Angela Busato
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