Angy's Blog

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July in review

July 10, 2023

What have I achieved this month? This is the first question that I do myself to start writing these posts. And this month it’s not easy to answer it, because I worked a lot on different things and maybe I haven’t achieved one goal but I worked to arrive at it.

One important thing that happens this month is I received an answer from the Codemotion Conference about my proposal for a talk with Lorenzo Pieri. They approve it. I’m thrilled about the idea of attending such an important conference. This is certainly an achieved goal. It’ll be hard for me, to prepare the talk with another person, to stay on the sage for 45 minutes, to speak in English. All these things will be a new adventure for me, and I’m happy to do this experience because can give me the possibility to explore new things, knowledge, and new opportunities in the tech world. I'll let you know how it goes.

This month I started to work on a side project with Manuel Spigolon. A small, but interesting, application where I’m working on the backend using Fastify (this is my first time) and he is working on the Frontend. We exchanged our job role, to improve our knowledge of the other side of an application. I was lucky to encounter him. It’s not easy to find people willing to make projects and who are on the same page. Sometimes, also, it’s not easy to maintain focus on the work that I have to do because when you want to learn new things it’s easy to lose interest, in this way we support each other. If you are afraid to ask for help or to start a new project together, try it because you don't know what it will be. Maybe you will fail or instead, maybe a fantastic new adventure will begin. My advice is to always try, don't be afraid, and jump yourself into challenges.

Another thing I restarted this month is an English Course, with Amil Rasheed, TEFL. He created a plan for me, with the topic where I want to improve. We do one lesson per week, at the beginning I thought that maybe it wasn’t enough but with some homework is impressive how many things are possible to learn and to improve. I’m very of our course because I feel more confident with my English, and I’m having fun following his method. In general, I think the most important thing to learn things is to have fun in the process. You won't notice the fatigue, and most importantly you will learn a lot more because you will do it positively.

I’m grateful for the things that happening in my life, every day is a challenge, and every day I learn new things.

Today I end this post with one of my favorite quotes, "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.”

I hope you enjoyed it, see ya!😎

Angela Busato
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