Angy's Blog

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June in review

June 30, 2023

We are halfway through the year, six months have passed, and six more months must pass to reach the end. I can say that I’m satisfied with myself and proud of what I achieved in these months. And for this review, I not only want to share a list of things done but also some thoughts related to myself and my work.

Let’s see, what happened this month? Most importantly, I sent two papers to the Codemotion conference in Milan. One as the unique speaker and one with my dear friend Lorenzo. I’d like the idea to expose a topic with a friend, we work for different companies but we are part of the same community (Schrödinger Hat). We share an interest and we’d like to do it together, this is another good aspect of communities. It’s possible to know people with our interests and then create something special, big, because we aim high 😃. What does it mean for me to have submitted these papers? It means a lot. It means overcoming my shyness, exposing myself, doing something out of my comfort zone, to give the possibility to people to judge me, because when they’ll read my proposals and send me an answer they’ll judge me and my work. It’s fine, that means challenging myself. This is a way to learn more about myself, about my feelings, and if it’s a thing that I’d like to do or not. I think one way to figure out what I want is to try different things and see how it goes. These thoughts are only for sending the proposals, then there are different feelings if they’ll choose me. I’ll tell you about them when I’ll receive an answer, now it’s too soon to think about what will be. I’d like to end this part with a moment of reflection for you, have you ever applied to attend a conference as a speaker? If so what did it mean to you, why did you do it, and what were your feelings? And if you haven't but would like to what are the motivations, the feelings that are holding you back? It’s important to take time to reflect, to get to know each other, and to build our goals and our future. For me, for example, it’s important to experiment, and one way to do things that are out of my comfort zone is to turn them into an adventure. For example, write this blog, it’s not so easy for me. At different times in my life, I kept diaries, it was a way to get my thoughts out (in the same way Dumbledore pulls his thoughts in the Pensieve, Harry Potter cit.). It was a great and important experience for me, no one asks to me to do that but I loved that and the relief whenever those thoughts were transferred to paper rather than remaining in my head. Then things changed and evolved and I decided to transform this experience into a new adventure to share with strangers, to tell my thoughts, my feelings, my experiences, and my goals. If you have come to read this far you may be wondering why I decided to write these posts. In addition to having the purpose of reviewing each month what I have achieved or not achieved they have the purpose of sharing my life as a developer. I am a software developer but this for me means more than just writing code, it means living this role, living the code I write and think, the projects I start and don't finish (of which there are many), it means putting myself out there, it means meeting new people, growing, changing. I think maybe other people are in this situation and it's good to find each other, or maybe someone can take a cue, learn about something new, and learn about a new way of living their work. Sharing experiences is the most powerful thing to improve ourselves.

Another thing that is happening this month is the Qwik workshop. A great workshop organized by SH and presented by its creator. If you missed it, here the recording of the live. It was really interesting, a new technology that can change the development of applications and web site. It’s fast, uses and loads only the files it needs on the browser, and there is also an integration with, a CMS for Qwik. If you are curious here are some links to learn more about it. A workshop is an example of sharing experience and knowledge, you have the possibility to learn, to meet new people and as in meetings you can speak with the speaker. Compare yourself with those who work with that technology, in this case with the creator of the technology, what more do you want?!? I know that often to attend these events you have to take time off work or give up other things, but it’s these life-changing events that enhance you and maybe even improve your work, so don't underestimate them. It gave me a chance to learn about a nascent technology and be able to talk directly with the people who created it. And also to know his story, his journey, and how he came to write a new framework after creating another one. The key to all this? Curiosity 😎

Come back to my list, this month I finally tried react-three-fiber, amazing, the simplicity to use it is impressive. The most challenging thing is the interaction between the application and the 3D scene. It’s challenging, funny, and sometimes frustrating. 🙂 But this is part of our work, and maybe in the end it’s the best part because after the frustration of failing, there is the satisfaction of succeeding. I also knew new people and possible collaborations, we’ll see. I’ll let you know.

And you? Where do you stand with your goals? Did you get what you wanted, are you following your plan?

I hope you enjoyed it, see ya!😎

Angela Busato
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