Angy's Blog

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March in review

March 31, 2023

Be proud of yourself and your achieved goals if they are small too. The future will show that your small steps will create big things. Well, let’s start with the small things of this month. I started to read a very interesting book, Atomic Habits about habits, of course. How to create habits and how to don’t leave them, and how to motivate yourself to go on until you don’t reach your goals. There are a lot of hints to how to handle your life and all the stuff you want to obtain from your life. For example, I’d like to improve my skills as a frontend developer. First of all, to be a good frontend developer there are a lot of things to know, for example, how to design an application, how to choose the good technologies to use and in which cases use one instead of another, to have an overview on languages, libraries, frameworks, use cases, how to deploy an application, where, in a server? In cloud? In your machine? Not to mention the performance, sustainability, security, usability and accessibility of an application. There is more stuff but I want to stop here otherwise I write a post on what a frontend developer should be to know. Came back to the why of this example. To be a better developer I feel that I should know a little bit about everything and manage them. Is it possible? Of course but I think it takes a lot of experience, curiosity and pleasure in studying and discovering new things all the time. This is also the motivation that drives me to write these posts every month, to see what I have discovered and learned even if soon they are probably things that I will forget. But reading this book I understand I need a more specific way to handle my learning and most of all a better way to organize and achieve my goals. As I explained there are lots of things to know but I need a way to handle them, to deepen them without losing direction. A habit is fundamental to do small things every day to have a great result in the end. I think that for the next month, I’ll try to create one or two new habits just to see how it will go.

One thing that I did again this month was to design part of an application. I didn’t remember the pleasure of designing things. I did it with Figma. I like this tool very much, it’s easy to use and has a lot of functionalities. I learned new things, I tried to create a prototype of a dropdown, not easy at all, challenging I’d to say. I enjoyed creating components, and variants and prototyping the entire design. If you want to know more about it you can watch the videos on the official channel on YouTube. Maybe in the next months, I’ll public the dropdown. Here the idea:

dropdown design

I started to work with typescript, I like it because I liked the idea of defining types for variables and knowing what is expected from them, but sometimes it’s so complicated that I lost my mind. Some months ago I followed a tutorial, very easy and well done, I want to share it with you TS tutorial.

Another interesting and important thing of this month it’s my participation as the photographer at the Open Source Day organized by the Schrödinger Hat community. I’m a contributor and for this year the best way that I found to help was by taking photos. I was very happy to do it. It had been a while since I took pictures at an even,t and I enjoyed the feeling of the moment and also the time I spent choosing and reviewing the photos to publish them. It’s a passion and when I can do it I’m happy. If you want to know more about the event I wrote a post and you can see the photos here. I know I always repeat the same thing but I think It’s very important to participate in the events because you can know people with the same interests, learn new things from the talks and have a moment of sharing. I hope this is the first event of many others.

I hope you enjoyed it, see ya!😎

Angela Busato
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