Angy's Blog

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Open Source Day 2023

March 26, 2023

I had another beautiful experience Friday at Open Source Day organized by the Schrödinger Hat community. As a contributor, it was a fantastic feeling to be part of a young community where people are full of enthusiasm and desire to achieve their goals. To create this beautiful event, a lot of time was spent organizing and coordinating various aspects. This included finding a suitable venue, identifying and managing sponsors, recruiting contributors and volunteers, and creating a website to showcase important information about the event. Additionally, there was a need to maintain communication and manage public relations with various communities, companies, and individuals. The process also involved selecting and defining the speakers and working with Nana Bianca to secure the best space and ensure all the necessary arrangements were in place to create a special experience and give attendees the best experience possible. Many people know what it means but sometimes who participated to the events can't even imagine what it means. And with these few words I’d like to convey what I felt by participating in this event.

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I truly appreciated the passion, vision, and dedication that the admins and community brought to this event. It was inspiring to see the level of commitment and hard work that went into creating something great. And it was not just about thinking big, but also about thinking smart and strategically. The organizers of this event demonstrated a deep understanding of the importance of open source and its crucial role in our lives as developers. There are countless motivations for a community or group of people to come together and organize an event. In the case of this particular event, the overarching purpose and goal was to showcase the power and potential of open source technology, and how it can be leveraged to create innovative and impactful solutions for a wide range of challenges. It was a call to action for developers and enthusiasts alike to embrace the open source paradigm, and become active contributors to the community. Millions of people around the globe choose open source solutions over corporate alternatives every day, recognizing the benefits of transparency, collaboration, and community-driven innovation. It’s truly a testament to the power of open source that so many individuals and organizations are willing to invest their time, resources, and energy to create and maintain these projects, and support their maintainers. But with great power comes great responsibility. It is crucial that we all take the time to recognize and appreciate the hard work and dedication of those who make open source possible. We need more sponsors, and more advocates who are willing to step up and support the open source community in every way possible. This includes financial support, as well as contributions of time, knowledge, and expertise. It is only through this collective effort that we can ensure the continued success and growth of open source.

This event was a testament to the power of the open source community. It was not just about code, but about people coming together to build something meaningful and impactful. It was a celebration of the core values of open source - collaboration, transparency, and community - and a reminder of the incredible potential that lies within each and every one of us. At the end of the day, the machine is the same, the meaning is the same: a group of passionate and committed individuals working together to make the world a better place, one line of code at a time.

Congratulations on creating a beautiful experience and for putting so much love into it. Take care of these projects and the people who create them, because the best part is often invisible. Thank you to the SH staff for what they have done and for what they will continue to do. "You are amazing!" (Cit.)

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Angela Busato
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